All About The WordPress Upgrades

Many users of a WordPress website have a question about what to do if they get a message from the WordPress administrator asking users to update to the most recent version.

The process of upgrading WordPress yourself is just as simple as hitting the button, but there are times when it is possible for things to be a mess. A lot of people think that every WordPress website should be using the most recent version. You can also search online for the more wordpress updates.

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The most recent major update of WordPress was version 3.3 which was released in December of 2011. In addition to the new features available to WordPress developers. There are a lot of enhancements that will help the average blogger or owner of a website:

  • It's now easier than ever to upload images or other media with the single upload button that is located in the WordPress toolbar. Drag and drop media uploader lets you upload files from your desktop to the WordPress administrator, instead of needing to search for the location of the file.

  • Touch support has been upgraded for users of tablets or iPads in order to control the WordPress website.

The security of websites is constantly changing. Hackers are always trying to find and exploit vulnerabilities, and WordPress developers are constantly striving to eliminate these. The most recent version of WordPress will typically contain a range of vital security improvements to safeguard your website.