What is Middle School in Holland?

Middle School in Holland is a new approach to teaching and learning that focuses on building relationships and promoting creativity. The Netherlands has been ranked as one of the most innovative countries in the world for middle school, and their approach to teaching is thought to be one of the reasons why.

Rather than emphasizing lectures and test preparation, students in middle school are encouraged to collaborate with each other and learn by doing. They also have more freedom to explore different subjects than they would in high school, which allows them to develop a wider range of skills.If you are looking for a middle school in the Netherlands, it is an excellent way for kids to start preparing for their future at Amity International School in Amsterdam.

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The Dutch approach to middle school is unique, but it seems to be working; according to a study published in the International Journal of Educational Research, Dutch students perform better on tests than students from other countries who follow similar approaches.

Some American schools are starting to adopt some of the Dutch middle school teachings, such as focusing on collaboration rather than competition and using technology more effectively. This movement away from traditional schooling is likely to continue as we see more studies proving that this type of curriculum works better than traditional methods.


Middle school in Holland is a new approach that is slowly but surely gaining traction around the world. It's a unique model, and one that offers students an exciting and challenging education while also preparing them for the challenges of high school and beyond. I've found it to be both motivating and inspiring, and I'm excited to see how it continues to grow in popularity over the next few years.

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